Hard-metal laboratory
The service we offer as a hard-metal laboratory is very much focused on the customer. We support our customers in many application-related analyses for widely varying purposes so that our highly precise analyses can help them maximize the quality of their products.
Services offered by our hard-metal laboratory
Various aspects are relevant for determining which applications a hard metal is suited for and whether it meets specific requirements. As a hard-metal laboratory, we offer analysis services for hard metals, including measurement of:
- Density
- Hardness
- Contraction
- Magnetic properties
- Porosity
- Eta-phase
- Microstructure
Featured equipment from the hard-metal laboratory
Our laboratory has a multitude of high-quality precision devices that enable the precise analysis results we consider to be our standard. Our equipment for analyzing hard metals includes the following devices and machines:
You can also find further details in our list of services. Here you can also inquire directly about our services.
Our equipment
Press (PC 015 Tox)
Furnace (Degussa)
Spray dryer (B 290)
Ball mill (Tisoma)
Polishers (Scandimatic)
Hardness testers (LCR 500 Rockwell)
Microscope (BX 51)
Koerzimat (Dr. Förster)

Our services – nine areas for first-class results
Are you also interested in other laboratory and analysis services? As one of the largest industrial laboratories for inorganic elemental analysis and powder characterization, ChemiLytics offers you a comprehensive resource for your laboratory services. Find out more about our various services.